
发布时间:2023-03-27 04:09:15 浏览:12次




2Hamsters, also known as “仓鼠” in Chinese, are one of the most popular small pets worldwide. They are known for their cute looks and playful nature, which is perfect for children and pet lovers. Hamsters first came into the limelight in the 1930s when they were first discovered in Syria. They have since been domesticated, and are a beloved addition to many households today.

3How to say “Hamster” in English

4The English word for “仓鼠” is “Hamster,” and it is pronounced as “Ham-ster” with the emphasis on the second syllable. The word hamster comes from the German word “Hamster,” which means “hoarder” or “one who hoards.” Hamsters are excellent hoarders because they have the capability to store large amounts of food in their cheek pouches.

5Types of Hamsters

6There are many different types of hamsters, and they can be categorized as either dwarf or Syrian hamsters. The Syrian hamster is the most common type and has a lifespan of around 2-3 years. The dwarf hamster, on the other hand, can live up to 4 years and is smaller in size than the Syrian hamster. Some common dwarf hamsters include the Chinese hamster, the Roborovski hamster, and the Campbell’s dwarf hamster.

7Characteristics of Hamsters

8Hamsters are small, furry creatures that have a short tail and round body shape. They are nocturnal animals and are most active during the night. Hamsters have excellent senses, particularly their sense of smell, which helps them locate their food in the wild.

9Hamsters are social creatures and enjoy having company when they are kept as pets. They are also clean animals and will groom themselves frequently. Hamsters are quick learners and can even be trained to do simple tricks like roll over, fetch, and spin.

10Caring for Hamsters

11To keep your hamsters healthy and happy, it is important to provide them with the right environment and diet. Hamsters require a cage that is large enough to run around in and explore. They also need fresh water, a balanced diet that includes pellets, fruits, and vegetables, and toys to play with.

12Hamsters need bedding materials that are safe and absorbent. Aspen wood shavings, paper-based bedding, and recycled paper are all suitable options. Lastly, hamsters need to be kept in a clean and hygienic environment to avoid any health problems.


14Hamsters are delightful pets that provide a lot of joy and entertainment to their owners. With the right care and attention, they can live long and healthy lives. In English, hamsters are pronounced as “Ham-ster,” which is quite close to the Chinese pronunciation of “仓鼠.” If you’re thinking of getting a small pet, consider adopting a hamster and experiencing the joys of owning one.


